First I thought: whoa, so chill! And then I saw the ending haha, good job!
First I thought: whoa, so chill! And then I saw the ending haha, good job!
Looks pretty consistent and professional. Is it a background for a game?
Thanks. No, I did this as an exercise, to try out a new style.
I love this type of proportions!
So round and mischievous and cute!
This one hits too close home, and I have rescued dozens of animals.
Perfect composition, top-notch.
That's a stealth game I'd totally play. Creepy enough, and a great standard use of 4 colors.
this is dope, I love the grafitti
So soft!
Again, another great piece. I love how the homunculus is sitting waiting and peacefully inside the armor.
This is just lovely! Really dig the concept. Took me a while to actually see the homunculus inside the armor. Great job!
Pixel Artist
Joined on 2/11/17